2010, Humor

20-March-2024 Wednesday
Young, witty and beautiful

16-December-2022 Friday
On the wave .... yesterday they threw off the correspondence from IRC

09-December-2022 Friday
Look, I found a fresh trend - DEMOTIVATORS

16-April-2022 Saturday
Old correspondence from 2010

01-February-2020 Saturday
When you're drinking in a bar with your girlfriends in 2010 and a geometry photographer walks by

15-January-2017 Sunday
Promodj.ru as it is

10-June-2016 Friday
Classics of humor from the Chemist-Psychopath. (Forgotten meme format of the early 10s of the 21st century)

10-May-2016 Tuesday
Give me back my 2010

04-April-2016 Monday
Give me back my 2010

26-September-2015 Saturday
Boyanisty jokes, 2010 selections.

04-May-2015 Monday
On "One Hundred to One" the main thing is not to be stupid
